Copyright Law

An in-depth look at Copyrights

April 01, 2024 | Jack Burkholder & Alex Elliott

Table Of Contents

  1. What is Copyright?
  2. Ownership Of Code
  3. Open Source Licenses
  4. Closed Source Licenses
  5. Fair Use
  1. How to Protect your code
  2. Enforcing a Copyright
  3. International Copyrights
  4. Updating a Copyright
  5. Questions

What is Copyright?

Copyright is a legal right that grants creators exclusive control over the use and distribution of their original works.

Copyright doesn't cover facts, ideas, systems, or methods. It covers the specific way they're expressed.

Copyright doesn't protect the idea itself, it protects the final written or artistic work.

In 1983, traditional copyright law was expanded to include machine-readable software, granting them the same copyright status as literary works.

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Ownership Of Code

Code is treated as if it is a literary work. Whoever is behind the keyboard owns the code. Unless it is for a company or a contract states another owner.

Think of it like an author. They own their book, unless they sell it off to a company, or they wrote it for a company while employed under them.

An interesting topic right now is who owns AI-written code.

Currently, it is treated as if the user who prompted the code to be written by the AI wrote it themselves.

However, if the prompts include copyrighted material, the person who owns the copyright may have a claim to the code.

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Open Source Licenses

Definition: a legal agreement that allows users to access, modify, and distribute a piece of software's source code.


Permissive Licenses:

Copyleft Licenses:

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Closed Source Licenses

Definition: a type of software license that contain non-open source terms and often require payment for use.


Examples of Closed Source Licenses:

Fair Use

Definition: Some Copyright material can in certain circumstances be used for non-commercial purposes without permission from the copyright holder.

Key Factors:

Examples: Fair use may include criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, research, and parody. However, each case is evaluated individually based on the specific circumstances.

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How to Protect your code

To protect your code from copyright infringement, make sure to follow these steps:

  1. Ensure the code is yours and not a direct copy of someone else's
  2. Use version control systems/repositories like GitHub to track changes and to keep a record of your development.
  3. Consider having copyright notices on your work that clearly show ownership/usage permissions
  4. Monitor your code online for infringement and consider taking legal action.

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Enforcing a Copyright

Enforcing copyrighted web development involves protecting work such as websites, code, and other digital content. Copyright enforcement can include:

Copyright protection is automatically applied when you make a piece of web design, though copyright registration can help enforce your own rights.

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International Copyrights

Since copyright laws are different per country, it is important to follow the correct legal actions to protect your web development.

Many countries already have automatic copyright protection for web developments, but some do not and must have different actions taken.

International Copyright Laws are actually made via treaties between countries, and unfortunately, the U.S. does not have treaties with every country.

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Updating a Copyright

Updating a copyright in web development includes extending the protection for the copyrighted material.

Copyrights usually last the entire creator's lifetime as well as a couple more years after death.

Updating copyrights can include:

Regularly updating copyrights is a good habit if one would not want their creations to be stolen as it keeps updated legal protection.

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